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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Restoration Movement Hermeneutics
…Although inferences and deductions from Scripture premises, when fairly inferred, may be truly called the doctrine of God’s holy word, yet are they not formally binding upon the consciences of Christians farther than they perceive the connection…No such deductions can be made terms of communion, but do properly belong to the after and progressive edification of the Church…
…Who, then, would not be the first among us to give up human inventions in the worship of God and to cease from imposing his private opinions upon his brethren, that our breaches might thus be healed? Who would not willingly conform to the original pattern laid down in the New Testament, for this happy purpose?...
Excerpts from Thomas Campbell in The Declaration and Address (Sept. 7, 1809)
Restoration Movement Hermeneutics
1. Every person has the right of private judgment (i.e., the right and responsibility to interpret Scripture apart from human authority)
2. The Scriptures will be the sole authority; no human creeds or inventions.
3. The sectarian spirit is evil; bitter jarrings and janglings of party spirit, clashing human opinions should be at rest; restore unity and peace.
4. The Bible alone for our rule; the Holy Spirit for our teacher of truth; and Christ alone as our salvation.
D. Duane Cummins, The Disciples (Chalice, 2009), 45.
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell, “The Bible-Principles of Interpretation,” Millennial Harbinger 3 (January, 1846).
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell, “The Bible-Principles of Interpretation,” Millennial Harbinger 3 (January, 1846).
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell, “The Bible-Principles of Interpretation,” Millennial Harbinger 3 (January, 1846).
Inductive Hermeneutics
The following list points out some of the difficulties that have been noted in the methodology of inductive hermeneutics: 1) It tends to dismiss poetic and literary aspects of the Bible. 2) It ignores the fact that culture and background play a role in understanding. 3) It addresses the language of the head but not of the heart. 4) It tends to equate spirituality with a correct intellectual understanding of the text. 5) It makes correct biblical understanding dependent on the latest scientific methodology.
David L. Little, “Inductive Hermeneutics and the Early Restoration Movement” in Stone-Campbell Journal 3 (Spring, 2000): 18.
Rationalistic Hermeneutics
McGrath in David L. Little, “Inductive Hermeneutics and the Early Restoration Movement” in Stone-Campbell Journal 3 (Spring, 2000): 16.
Inductive Hermeneutics
Mark Noll in David L. Little, “Inductive Hermeneutics and the Early Restoration Movement” in Stone-Campbell Journal 3 (Spring, 2000): 13-14.
Inductive Hermeneutics
David L. Little, “Inductive Hermeneutics and the Early Restoration Movement” in Stone-Campbell Journal 3 (Spring, 2000): 10.
Inductive Hermeneutics
David L. Little, “Inductive Hermeneutics and the Early Restoration Movement” in Stone-Campbell Journal 3 (Spring, 2000): 6-7.
Restoration Movement Hermeneutics
Alexander Campbell in the "Sermon on the Law" (Sept. 1, 1816)
Restoration Movement Hermeneutics
Thomas Campbell in “Declaration and Address”
Restoration Movement Hermeneutics
J.S. Lamar, The Organon of Scripture (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1860), 176.
Restoration Movement Hermeneutics
Alexander Campbell in the “Sermon on the Law” (Sept. 1, 1816)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Feminist Hermeneutics
David M. Scholer, “Feminist Hermeneutics and Evangelical Biblical Interpretation,” Evangelical Review of Theology 1 (January 1991): 309.
Homosexual Hermeneutics
Walter Wink, “Homosexuality and the Bible,”, 9-10.
Homosexual Hermeneutics
Walter Wink, “Homosexuality and the Bible,”, 3.