Tuesday, May 21, 2013

More adventures in bad exegesis

One of the things that I like to do on this blog is to catalog examples of glaringly bad exegesis. Typically these examples come from the more "lunatic fringe" of biblical exegesis - sometimes from the far right and sometimes from the far left. It is striking to me just how often a really bad interpretation of the text can be directly traced in some way to political leanings on certain issues of government and society - whether it is the supposed emasculation of the American male (as in the famed "pisseth against the wall" video) or the more recent debate about same sex marriage (as in this case). Political agendas are often caustic to attempts at a faithful and humble reading of the text. So, behold the latest example here. What makes this example most alarming is that this is coming from a presiding bishop in a major Christian denomination who should have more common sense than this. She isn't just preaching to a small group of Christians in her living room. Her politicizing of the text is, in my mind, inexcusable but not altogether surprising.


David said...

http://goo.gl/bnbDn is the link that inspired this rant.

David said...

Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori