Monday, October 5, 2009

Holy Spirit and Hermeneutics

The task of the Spirit in biblical interpretation is thus to enable us to recognize the true character and purpose of the Bible and then to interpret the text in the light of this fact. The Author Himself comes to our side and helps us to understand what He has written. He gives us the eyes of faith and the mind of Christ so that we receive the message that God intends for us…As we open our minds to the Lord in prayer, so He will illumine them by the Spirit to understand the Word. Obviously this does not take away the need for our wrestling with the text, using all the tools of scholarship at our disposal. Nor does it mean that the Spirit-filled student will necessarily get higher marks in a biblical examination than one who scorns the Spirit’s help. But it does mean that God will speak to us the message that He wants us to receive, and that He will use us to convey this message to other people.

Marshall in Roy Zuck, Rightly Divided (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1996), 73.

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